As the leading crude oil producer in the nation, Texas relies on its oil fields and oil field workers. They are important to our state’s economy and a valued resource from which we all benefit.
But oil field work can be dangerous.
Texas also leads the other states in oil field fatalities, according to the NIOSH Fatalities in Oil and Gas Extraction (FOG) database. The most recent numbers are from 2017, but Texas had 44 fatalities, compared to the second highest state, Oklahoma, which had 6 in that same year.
People might picture massive explosions and infernos when they think about oilfield deaths, but those aren’t the most common causes.
The top five types of injuries which result in fatalities in the oil field are:
- Vehicle Incidents
- Contact Incidents (struck or crushed by something)
- Explosions and Fires
- Chemical Exposure
- Falls
And that is just a record of deaths. There are many more accidents which result in injuries in the oil field, whether from the causes listed above or from electrocutions, cardiac events or other incidents.
Injuries may include:
- Burns
- Broken bones
- Amputations
- Neck, Back & Spine Injuries
- Scarring
- Brain Injuries
Oil field injuries and fatalities strike workers of every age group, and affect both new workers and seasoned oil patch veterans.
So, what can you do if you suffer an oil field injury?
As with any work-related accident, you need to report it to your employer.
Keeping records is as important for oil field injuries as it is for auto accidents. Document everything. Write notes of times and places, take photos, keep receipts – in short, do everything you can to keep track of the entire process to back up your claims for compensation, if that proves necessary later.
Seek medical attention. Get the help you need, without delay. Waiting can often make injuries even worse, or may make it appear the cause was something other than your oil field work.
We have offices in Houston, Corpus Christi, and Victoria; and will travel to any corner of Texas if we are capable of preventing an injustice.
Get professional legal advice. Every oil field injury compensation case differs, and your case will depend upon the specific circumstances you faced (and recorded). Carrigan & Anderson’s attorneys can help you from preparation and record-keeping through to your trial hearing. Many times, our attorneys are able to negotiate with employers’ attorneys, and HR staff on our client’s behalf. As many of these cases can drag on over a year, we have been successful with securing funds through a third party provider to help our client’s get some relief during the waiting period.
Unsure about your next steps? Call or text attorney Steve Carrigan at (361) 884-4437 or use our website’s contact form here. We will walk you through what you need to do, when you need to do it, and fight tooth and nail to make sure you are fairly compensated for the oil field injuries you or a loved one have sustained.
At Carrigan & Anderson, PLLC we can talk to you about your options and rights.