What if My Flood Damage Claim Is Denied by Insurance?
On This Page
  1. Why Would an Insurance Company Deny a Flood Damage Claim?
  2. Our Firm Will Fight for Your Flood Damage Compensation
  3. When Should I Contact a Lawyer for My Flood Damage Insurance Claim?
  4. Our Attorneys for Insurance Claims Work on a Contingency Fee Basis
  5. Speak to Our Insurance Claims Attorney About Your Flood Damage Denial

What if My Flood Damage Claim Is Denied by Insurance?

What if My Flood Damage Claim Is Denied by Insurance?

Your property could be damaged due to flooding in a variety of ways. From hurricanes to heavy rain, the damage caused by water to your property can be catastrophic. Unfortunately, insurance companies frequently deny claims for this type of loss. 

If your flood damage claim is denied by an insurance carrier, our attorneys could help. For more than 40 years, our firm has represented policyholders as they attempt to get the insurance payouts they deserve. If you are ready for support from an experienced insurance claims lawyer in Corpus Christi, reach out to our office today. 

Why Would an Insurance Company Deny a Flood Damage Claim?

Insurance companies often give a variety of excuses when they deny a flood damage claim. Some of these rejections are for a valid reason such as no flood insurance policy, but others are simply an act of bad faith. In either scenario, the right attorney can help you understand why you received a flood damage claim denial by your insurance carrier. 

Your Policy Does Not Cover Water Damage

Unfortunately, insurers often deny claims for flood losses because they are usually excluded from standard homeowners insurance policies. These policies cover a wide range of hazards, but most will not include water damage by default. Typically, you will need an additional rider that costs more than the standard premium to have insurance coverage for water damage. Because this coverage is optional, many people do not carry it. The insurance company has no obligation to pay your claim if you lack this coverage. 

Failure to Cooperate

Your policy requires that you cooperate with the insurance adjuster when they investigate your loss. This could include allowing them onto the property to investigate or providing them with additional documentation at their request. The insurance carrier can deny your claim if you fail to cooperate. 

Claim Not Reported in a Timely Manner

Your insurance policy requires you to report any property damage in a timely manner. By letting them know of your flood damage right away, the company has the opportunity to investigate the claim before the conditions on your property worsen. If you wait too long to notify them, it could result in a denial. 

No Reason Given

According to Texas Insurance Code § 541.060, one way that an insurer can act in bad faith is by denying your homeowners insurance claim without a valid reason. You are entitled to at least a cursory explanation of why the claim was rejected, but these companies will not always provide one. An attorney could push the insurer for more information on why the claim was rejected. 

We have offices in Houston, Corpus Christi, and Victoria; and will travel to any corner of Texas if we are capable of preventing an injustice.

Carrdigan and Anderson

Our Firm Will Fight for Your Flood Damage Compensation

Having the support of legal counsel who knows how to deal with insurance companies can be invaluable, especially after the carrier denies your claim. These companies are known for using underhanded and unfair tactics to deny property damage claims or offer unreasonable settlements. Thankfully, there are options for holding insurers accountable and getting the payments you deserve. 

Often, our first step will be to negotiate with the insurer. Their initial denial is rarely final, and they may be willing to consider other evidence if your initial claim was insufficient. Many cases are resolved by our firm negotiating with the insurance company or their lawyers in an effort to get a fair outcome.

When negotiations are unsuccessful, a lawsuit may be necessary. You could have a viable bad faith insurance claim if there is evidence that the insurance company never considered your claim or otherwise treated you unfairly. When these cases are successful, you could recover your legal fees and damages that are triple the cost of the losses that were never covered. 

When Should I Contact a Lawyer for My Flood Damage Insurance Claim?

It is in your best interest to speak with legal counsel as soon as you realize something has gone wrong with your flood claim. This usually comes in the form of a denial letter. However, there are times when you can benefit from speaking to an attorney before your claim is denied. 

One of the common signs of an insurance company acting in bad faith is long periods of time with no communication. If the insurer refuses to acknowledge your claim and has not taken any action on your case in months, an attorney can help you get them to come to a final decision. 

You are not limited to hiring legal representation only after your claim was denied. Often, insurance companies will make lowball offers in an effort to resolve cases that are worth much more. If their settlement offer is unreasonably low, it is time to speak with an attorney about your claim for flood damage. 

Representing the injured in all areas of Texas that extends back over 40 years

Carrdigan and Anderson

Our Attorneys for Insurance Claims Work on a Contingency Fee Basis

For most property owners, the thought of any additional expenses following a catastrophic loss can feel like too much to handle. Adding the expense of hiring a lawyer on top of everything else might seem unbearable, but the reality is our firm can pursue your claim without any upfront costs or fees. 

Our insurance claim attorneys work on a contingency fee basis. That means we keep a percentage of the insurance payout we recover from the carrier on your behalf. You will never have to pay us directly out of your own pocket, and we will get to work without any upfront fees and costs. 

You need a skilled advocate to protect your legal rights and present your claim in such a way as to maximize your recovery.

Carrdigan and Anderson

Speak to Our Insurance Claims Attorney About Your Flood Damage Denial

You still have options to pursue following the denial of your flood damage insurance claim. This might include negotiating with the insurer to reconsider a denial or pursue an increase in the amount awarded to you. Often, these cases are only resolved by filing a bad faith insurance lawsuit. 

The attorneys of Carrigan & Anderson, PLLC are here to help you navigate this complex legal process. We have decades of experience taking on insurance companies, understand the claims process and look forward to the chance to serve as your advocate. Contact us as soon as possible for a free consultation. 

At Carrigan & Anderson, PLLC we can talk to you about your options and rights.

Carrdigan and Anderson