Houston Flood Damage Claims Lawyer
On This Page
  1. How Our Flood Damage Claims Lawyers in Houston Can Help You With the Process
  2. How Flood Damage Insurance Works in Houston
  3. Responding to a Flood Damage Claim Denial
  4. Get a Free Consultation From Our Flood Damage Attorneys in Houston

Houston Flood Damage Claims Lawyer

Houston has seen major flooding in recent years, especially when hit by slow-moving hurricanes like Harvey and Beryl. Trying to file a flood damage claim after an event like this is often more difficult and time-consuming than it has to be, but you are not alone: our Houston lawyers are here to help you.

One of our partners, David M. Anderson, has devoted his career to protecting people like you who file legitimate insurance claims only to run into deliberate stonewalling and other challenges. You can rely on our Houston insurance claims lawyers to manage your case with compassion and professionalism. Call Carrigan & Anderson, PLLC, for a free consultation.

How Our Flood Damage Claims Lawyers in Houston Can Help You With the Process

At Carrigan & Anderson, PLLC, we understand the complexities of filing an insurance claim—and the obstacles that your insurance company may try to put in your way. The Houston flood damage claims lawyers from our firm can make sure the claims process goes as smoothly as possible by:

  • Going over your policy with you to see what is covered and under what circumstances your policy kicks in
  • Collecting evidence that proves you deserve fair compensation
  • Speaking to the insurer on your behalf
  • Negotiating for a settlement that will cover everything you lost
  • Taking legal action if the insurer attempts any bad-faith tactics that violate Texas law

We Understand How Insurance Companies Operate

David has spent decades confronting greedy insurance companies that try to shortchange policyholders. Our team knows what it takes to win against these large and powerful entities, and we do not hesitate to:

  • Keep in close contact with them (and with you) throughout the claims process
  • Check up on them if we feel they are doing something wrong
  • Tell them exactly how much your claim is worth and pressure them to pay it

We Provide Daily Support to Houston Clients

Clients are free to text David any time they have a question, even on the weekends. He will answer promptly with the information you need. Our flood damage claims attorney in Houston, TX—and the entire team at Carrigan & Anderson, PLLC—are here to make this difficult time easier for you and your family.

Call today and get a free consultation from our firm. We have a local office here in Houston.

We have offices in Houston, Corpus Christi, and Victoria; and will travel to any corner of Texas if we are capable of preventing an injustice.

Carrdigan and Anderson

How Flood Damage Insurance Works in Houston

According to the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI), our state has implemented some very specific rules regarding flood insurance. For example:

  • General homeowners insurance or commercial insurance policies do not typically include coverage for flood damage. Hurricane insurance will not cover it either. You will need to buy a separate policy specifically for flood damage.
  • Your policy may not kick in for 30 days. If something happens within that time, you would not be covered.
  • Your main flood damage policy will cover your home but not all of the items within it. You should buy a separate policy to cover the loss of personal possessions.

If you are not familiar with these rules, you could be left with nothing when a flood hits. Our flood damage claims lawyer in Houston, TX, can make sure that you ask for all of the money you are entitled to based on your insurance policies.

What You Can Do With a Flood Damage Insurance Payout

The money you receive from your insurance company can go a long way to helping you repair and replace everything you lost, including your home or business’s physical structure and all of the items inside of the structure. Some policies will also help you pay for related expenses, such as the cost of the hotel you have to stay in while your house is repaired.

Again, the amount you receive depends not just on your policy but also on whether you can stop the insurer from taking advantage of you. The insurance claims attorneys at Carrigan & Anderson, PLLC, are committed to protecting policyholders like you.

Houston Flood Damage Lawyer Near Me 361-884-4437

Responding to a Flood Damage Claim Denial

Even if your claim is totally valid and all the paperwork is correct, the insurance company may still look for excuses to deny or delay payment. If your claim is denied, rest assured that you have options, including:

Putting Our Houston Attorneys on the Job

We are all too familiar with how dishonest insurance companies can be when their profit margin is on the line. Dealing with adjusters who are focused on protecting their employer is very stressful, especially if you have lost your home or business to flood damage.

You deserve time to process everything that has happened to you. Our flood damage claims lawyers can give you that time by managing your case. We will not charge any attorneys’ fees until you get your money.

Identifying the Reason for the Flood Damage Claim Denial

Some denials are the result of misunderstandings or mistakes. For example, perhaps they misinterpreted a response on your paperwork or mislaid part of your file. Such errors may be relatively easy to fix. Unfortunately, insurers sometimes try to deliberately undercut your claim by:

  • Lying about the terms of your policy
  • Demanding information they already have or do not need to evaluate your claim
  • Not responding to your communications in a timely manner

If bad faith practices are behind your denial, Carrigan & Anderson, PLLC, can find out and put a stop to it.

Filing a Legal Action Against the Insurer

Policyholders like you are protected under state law. If the insurance company tries to violate your rights, you can file a lawsuit against them. Our legal team can explain how this process works and guide you through it. For us, there is nothing more important than seeking justice for Houston residents.

Representing the injured in all areas of Texas that extends back over 40 years

Carrdigan and Anderson

Get a Free Consultation From Our Flood Damage Attorneys in Houston

Whether your commercial or residential property was damaged by flooding, Carrigan & Anderson, PLLC, can help you file your claim and deal with the insurance companies on your behalf. Call today and find out, at no cost or obligation to you, how our Houston flood damage claims lawyers can handle your case.

At Carrigan & Anderson, PLLC we can talk to you about your options and rights.

Carrdigan and Anderson