Port Lavaca Car Accident Lawyer
On This Page
  1. Our Port Lavaca Injury Lawyers Will Fight for the Financial Awards You Deserve
  2. Our Port Lavaca Auto Accident Attorneys Will Use 50+ Years of Experience to Help Your Case
  3. Our Port Lavaca, TX, Auto Crash Lawyers Can Work on Your Case at No Upfront Cost
  4. Call Us Today for Help from Our Car Accident Lawyer in Port Lavaca, TX

Port Lavaca Car Accident Lawyer

Car Accident Lawyer Port Lavaca

You may not know how to proceed after getting into an accident you did not cause. It can be a confusing time, as you are trying to recover from your injuries while also trying to figure out how to protect yourself financially from mounting medical bills and income loss.

At Carrigan & Anderson, PLLC, our personal injury lawyer serving Port Lavaca, TX, knows the importance of having legal representation on your side when an insurance company is trying to deny your attempt at recovering compensation. Our personal injury accident lawyer does not let insurance companies push us around, no matter how many lawyers they assign to your case. We will fight hard to win financial recovery for you.

Our Port Lavaca Injury Lawyers Will Fight for the Financial Awards You Deserve

Taking on an insurance company alone can be challenging, especially when recovering from severe injuries. Not only are you worrying about trying to recover your health, but you may be on multiple medications, making it hard to deal with legal matters.

When insurance companies contact you soon after the accident, you may still be in the hospital. The insurer may ask you important questions about what happened in the crash and how you think your injuries will affect your life going forward. Trying to answer these questions on your own can be difficult.

If you hire our car accident attorney in Port Lavaca, TX, to represent you, we will take over all correspondence with the insurance company. We then will focus on winning the financial awards you should have, including the following.

Pain and Suffering Awards Can Be Quite Large in Personal Injury Cases

Although Carrigan & Anderson, PLLC, cannot promise a financial award in your case, we can tell you that pain and suffering awards often represent the largest portion of an award.

Medical bills have a specific monetary amount associated with them, but pain and suffering awards do not. Our personal injury lawyers have more than 50 years of collective experience in cases like this, and we use our experience to determine the best way to maximize your award. Some aspects of a pain and suffering award include:

  • Chronic pain
  • Impaired quality of life
  • Inability to enjoy favorite hobbies
  • Disfigurement
  • Disability
  • Emotional trauma
  • Mental anguish

You Can Receive Reimbursement for Current and Future Medical Costs

As long as we can show that the other driver is at fault for the injury accident, you can receive money that covers the medical costs of your injuries.

If our law firm attempts to settle your case before you recover from your injuries or have an ongoing need for medical care, we will estimate your future medical bills. We can ask for an amount that covers your future bills.

We Can Seek an Award for Your Lost Income

If you could not work while recovering from your injuries or lost the ability to work as many hours as you did before the accident, you could receive compensation that reimburses you for lost income. If you lost out on job-related benefits, such as paid time off or retirement account contributions, we can also seek reimbursement for these items.

If your injuries are permanent, leaving you unable to work in the same capacity in the future, our Port Lavaca, TX, auto accident injury lawyers will fight to get you the money you should have for these financial losses.

We have offices in Houston, Corpus Christi, and Victoria; and will travel to any corner of Texas if we are capable of preventing an injustice.

Carrdigan and Anderson

Our Port Lavaca Auto Accident Attorneys Will Use 50+ Years of Experience to Help Your Case

Because we have decades of experience representing victims in injury accidents, we know how to stay on top of trends in these cases. Many changes for personal injury cases occurred in the past several years, so we ensure you know about them and follow them to help you recover a settlement.

For example, you should not post about your accident or injuries on social media. Avoid posting information about the activities you are doing, too. Insurance companies may twist the meaning of your social media posts to make it appear that you exaggerate your injuries. The Forman v. Henkin case set the precedent that your social media posts are not private when seeking a personal injury award.

Port Lavaca Car Accident Lawyer Near Me 361-884-4437

Our Port Lavaca, TX, Auto Crash Lawyers Can Work on Your Case at No Upfront Cost

You may face challenging financial times after you suffer injuries in an auto accident. You may have medical bills and extra expenses you likely did not expect to have, and this can happen when you cannot go to work and earn a living.

We do not want legal fees to deter you from seeking representation in your car accident case. That is why we accept cases on a contingency fee basis.

We do Not Receive Payment Unless We Win an Award for You

With contingency fee representation, we charge you nothing when you hire us. Instead, our fee comes from a percentage of the amount we win for you at the end of the case.

If our law office does not win your case, you owe us nothing. You can hire us to represent you without any financial risk. We believe this is the best way to retain legal representation when your finances may be tight.

Representing the injured in all areas of Texas that extends back over 40 years

Carrdigan and Anderson

Call Us Today for Help from Our Car Accident Lawyer in Port Lavaca, TX

The Carrigan & Anderson, PLLC team is ready to begin working on your car accident case immediately. We want you to recover the settlement or court-ordered award that meets your post-accident needs and helps you move forward.

The sooner you call us, the sooner we can review your situation and advise you on your next steps. For a free consultation, reach out to us today.

At Carrigan & Anderson, PLLC we can talk to you about your options and rights.

Carrdigan and Anderson