Some states are “no fault” states for vehicle accidents. In those states, drivers are required to have “personal injury protection” as part of their insurance coverage. After an accident in those states, a driver files with his or her own insurance company for injury or property damages. That’s not the case in Texas. Texas is …
Apps and Technology for parents of teen drivers
Technology can have its downsides, but sometimes it is really helpful. One helpful task which can now be accomplished thanks to cell phones is parental tracking of their teenaged drivers. Okay, maybe the teens won’t think it’s very helpful, but it’s a nice tool for parents to have for peace of mind with new young …
If I get in a wreck in the United States, but I am not a US citizen, can I still sue?
In 2018, it’s estimated that 11% of the residents of the state of Texas were non-citizens. Some non-U.S. citizens are long-term ‘guests’ and workers, but many are simply waiting for the formal process of immigration to be completed. Then consider those who may simply be visiting for the day for whatever reason. That’s a large …
What to do after being in a wreck with an 18-wheeler (semi)
We know semi truck drivers are professionals, as a group. Driving those eighteen wheelers is their full time job. But do you realize how many hours they may be on the road? Tractor trailer rigs may be assigned to work up to 70 hours each week. And they may be working up to 14 hours …