Victoria Flood Damage Claims Lawyer
On This Page
  1. Our Victoria Attorneys Can Protect Your Flood Damage Settlement
  2. What Does Your Flood Damage Insurance Cover?
  3. How Our Lawyers Recommend You Prepare for Flood Damage in Victoria, Texas
  4. Get Help from Our Victoria Flood Damages Claims Attorneys Today

Victoria Flood Damage Claims Lawyer

Flood damage can be devastating, but many insurance companies implement special rules regarding flood claims that make it difficult for people like you to get the money you need to rebuild. Our Victoria, Texas, lawyers are here to demystify the process and represent you throughout your claim.

The Victoria insurance claims lawyers at Carrigan & Anderson, PLLC, have 40+ years of experience in insurance law. We know the underhanded tactics the insurer will use and how to counteract them. Call today for a free case review so we can start fighting for your money as soon as possible.

Our Victoria Attorneys Can Protect Your Flood Damage Settlement

Insurers present themselves as helpful institutions that have your best interests at heart. The unfortunate truth is that insurers care only for their bottom line, and they will do whatever they can to minimize what they pay to flood damage victims like you.

Our Victoria flood damage claims lawyers are here to protect the rights of policyholders like you. Here are some of the things we can do for you:

Reviewing Your Flood Insurance Policy

As the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) explains, many regular insurance policies do not cover flooding, and there are many very specific rules embedded in these policies that could affect whether you receive payment after a natural disaster.

You should not have to worry about persuading the insurer to treat you fairly. Our flood damage claims lawyer in Victoria, TX, can go over your policy to see what is covered and pressure the insurer to abide by the policy’s terms.

Helping You File Your Flood Damage Claim

The insurance company will want to see you submit the correct forms in a timely manner, along with sufficient evidence to prove you deserve compensation. Our Victoria law firm can collect that evidence for you, including:

  • Before-and-after photos of your property
  • Weather reports that describe the flooding in your area
  • Your insurance policy itself, which spells out the terms under which you are entitled to payment
  • Cost estimates from contractors
  • Any evidence of mitigation attempts (e.g., a tarp over a hole in your roof)

Fighting for the Flood Damage Payment You Need Now

We understand how much you and your family are depending on this insurance payment to put your lives back together. We can pursue the money you need by:

  • Speaking to the insurance adjusters, fielding their questions, and fulfilling their demands
  • Helping you prepare for any interviews the adjuster wants to conduct with you
  • Keeping in touch with the insurer to make sure it is not delaying your claim unnecessarily
  • Investigating the reasons behind any denials the insurer issues and helping to improve your claim in response to valid objections
  • Determining if and when the insurer is acting in bad faith and taking appropriate actions to protect your right to file a claim
  • Negotiating on your behalf for a fair settlement amount

Our flood damage attorneys want to make sure you get the funds you need to rebuild and come back stronger after a natural disaster. Carrigan & Anderson, PLLC, has an office right here in Victoria for your convenience. Call today for a free consultation.

We have offices in Houston, Corpus Christi, and Victoria; and will travel to any corner of Texas if we are capable of preventing an injustice.

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What Does Your Flood Damage Insurance Cover?

That may depend on what kind of policy you bought. In general, flood insurance policies can cover damage to:

  • The foundation and overall structure of the main building
  • Outbuildings, such as sheds or storage areas
  • Windows and doors
  • Furniture and appliances
  • Personal property

Flood Damage Policies Versus Hurricane Damage Policies

You might think that, since you are covered against hurricane-related damages, your policy will protect you if flood waters caused by a hurricane damage your property. This is not the case: many hurricane insurance policies only cover wind damage, not flood damage.

Our Victoria hurricane damage claims lawyers can make sure you file your claim with the right insurer. This can prevent unnecessary delays and rejections.

Flood Damage Policies Versus Water Damage Policies

It is also important to distinguish between flood damage and water damage. While flooding occurs due to natural events, like heavy rain, water damage occurs due to broken or faulty products, like a burst pipe.

Water damage may be covered by your regular insurance policy, but again, flood damage usually is not covered. Our flood damage claims attorney in Victoria, TX, can take on the big insurance companies and prove that your situation entitles you to damages.

Victoria Flood Damage Lawyer Near Me 361-884-4437

How Our Lawyers Recommend You Prepare for Flood Damage in Victoria, Texas

Flooding has become a serious issue in Victoria in recent years. Destructive, slow-moving hurricanes have caused storm surges and flash floods that do major damage to Victoria homes and businesses. It goes without saying that you cannot control the weather, but there are still ways you can prepare for these events:

  • Buy insurance as soon as possible. There may be a waiting period before you are protected by your policy. The sooner you buy insurance, the sooner you will be covered.
  • Inventory your belongings. It may help your claim if you have a detailed list of all of your possessions. This can prove to the insurer how much you have lost and how much money you need to rebuild.
  • See if you are in a flood zone. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) updated its flood zone maps for Victoria County in July 2024. If you are in a flood zone, you are required to carry flood insurance.
  • Take appropriate precautions. The Texas General Land Office recommends keeping gutters clean and creating an evacuation plan, among other things.

As you prepare for the worst, you should also know that our insurance claims law firm is always here to help. Feel free to call us right after you discover the damage so that we can start protecting your rights.

Representing the injured in all areas of Texas that extends back over 40 years

Carrdigan and Anderson

Get Help from Our Victoria Flood Damages Claims Attorneys Today

Carrigan & Anderson, PLLC, offers a no-win, no-fee guarantee. That means our Victoria flood damage claims lawyers do not get paid unless and until you get money. To learn more about how we can help you after you suffer flood damage to your home or business, call today. The initial consultation is free.

At Carrigan & Anderson, PLLC we can talk to you about your options and rights.

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