Victoria Hurricane Damage Claims Lawyer
On This Page
  1. How Our Hurricane Claims Attorneys in Victoria, TX Can Help With Your Claim
  2. Understanding Your Property Insurance Policy Is Crucial
  3. Your Homeowners Policy Might Not Cover Hurricane Damage in Victoria
  4. Common Types of Hurricane Damage in Victoria
  5. Get Legal Help With Your Hurricane Damage Claim in Victoria

Victoria Hurricane Damage Claims Lawyer

When hurricanes strike, the damage can be overwhelming. After the storm subsides, many property owners discover that their homes and businesses have been damaged or completely destroyed. Some of those property owners may need help with getting the insurance benefits they deserve. 

With more than 40 years of experience, our Victoria insurance claims lawyers at Carrigan & Anderson, PLLC are ready to help you with your hurricane claim. This kind of catastrophic loss can feel hopeless, but the support of a Victoria hurricane damage claims attorney could make all the difference. Contact us today to get started on your claim.

How Our Hurricane Claims Attorneys in Victoria, TX Can Help With Your Claim

You should consider many factors when hiring a Victoria hurricane damage claims lawyer. These cases can be complex, so having experienced legal counsel by your side is important. 

Some of the ways our legal team can help with your case include the following:

Developing a Negotiating Strategy

It is common for insurance companies to make unreasonably low offers to homeowners or deny claims completely in the aftermath of a hurricane. They understand that you are facing a difficult situation, and you may not have the resources to wait for litigation to play out. 

Attorney David M. Anderson has extensive experience representing policyholders who are dealing with insurance companies that delay or deny valid claims. A dedicated Victoria hurricane damage lawyer like him can negotiate with the insurance company and make it clear that their bullying tactics will not be effective. 

Identifying Potential Issues

Insurance companies don’t always deny claims due to bad faith. A genuine issue may arise based on your paperwork or some other detail. Your Victoria personal injury lawyer can thoroughly review your loss and identify whether your claim has any problems that you must address.

Providing Emotional Support

Our obligation to you goes beyond negotiating with the insurance company for fair compensation. Dealing with this kind of loss can take an emotional toll, and many homeowners do not have the resources to deal with these challenges on their own. We can offer support while also removing the stress from your shoulders by handling all the complexities of your claim. 

Navigating the Legal System

If negotiations fall through, a civil lawsuit might be your best option for holding the insurance company accountable. You can file a suit over a wrongfully denied claim, and your Victoria hurricane damage attorney can handle every aspect of your case. 

Contact us today at Carrigan & Anderson, PLLC to learn more during a free consultation.

We have offices in Houston, Corpus Christi, and Victoria; and will travel to any corner of Texas if we are capable of preventing an injustice.

Carrdigan and Anderson

Understanding Your Property Insurance Policy Is Crucial

Before taking legal action against your insurance carrier for a denied claim, you need a clear understanding of your policy’s language. Your policy documents outline your rights and responsibilities, and their specific language can determine whether your insurance company will approve or deny your claim.

One of the potential issues with hurricane damage claims relates to the exclusions on your policy. Most property insurance policies broadly cover damage to your home or place of business – unless a source excluded from the policy caused the damage. Unfortunately, many of these policies exclude hurricane damage. 

There are also other important details to be aware of. First, you will need to know your deductible amount. The deductible is the money you must pay before your insurer covers the rest of your claim. Your policy’s limits will also be critical in this situation. 

Victoria Hurricane Damage Lawyer Near Me 361-884-4437

Your Homeowners Policy Might Not Cover Hurricane Damage in Victoria

Many homeowners do not discover until it is too late that their policy excludes hurricane damage. Whether your policy will cover hurricane damage depends on the agreement’s language. 

Standard insurance policies will cover a range of common hazards, including fires, vandalism, or hail damage. These policies usually exclude less-common types of catastrophic losses. 

What Types of Damage Might My Policy Exclude?

Because of the high risk of hurricanes in some parts of Texas, including these hazards in homeowners policies could dramatically increase the benefits you are entitled to receive. For that reason, your insurer may require you to purchase additional coverage for losses caused by hurricanes, floods, and similar catastrophic events. 

What is especially complicated about this issue is that some aspects of hurricane damage might be covered by a standard policy, while others are not. For example, losses related to wind damage are usually included. However, that is not usually the case when flood damage is to blame. 

According to the Texas Department of Insurance, flood insurance is required in some areas, but most standard homeowners policies do not cover floods. The specific language of your policy will determine what it covers. 

Representing the injured in all areas of Texas that extends back over 40 years

Carrdigan and Anderson

Common Types of Hurricane Damage in Victoria

A hurricane can cause catastrophic damage to your home or commercial property in many ways. These cases are about more than damage from powerful winds, given that the secondary effects can be just as powerful. Some of the types of damages that come with a hurricane include the following:

  • Structural damage. The structure of your home can sustain significant damage in a hurricane. This could result from strong winds, heavy rain, or falling objects. 
  • Flooding. One of the most destructive aspects of a hurricane is the potential for flooding. Rising sea waters can overwhelm your home, and the same is true for flooding caused by broken water pipes. 
  • Fires. Lighting strikes and damaged power lines can result in fires that can spread across the property. 
  • Erosion. Coastal erosion can damage property or buildings.

One complicated aspect of these losses is that an insurance policy may cover some of these hazards but not others. Our law firm can answer your questions regarding what your insurance company should pay for.  

You need a skilled advocate to protect your legal rights and present your claim in such a way as to maximize your recovery.

Carrdigan and Anderson

Get Legal Help With Your Hurricane Damage Claim in Victoria

If your insurance company denies your claim following a hurricane loss, you may still have options. A hurricane damage claims lawyer in Victoria can assist you in dealing with frustrating denials and help you get the benefits you deserve. 

Our team at Carrigan & Anderson, PLLC understands what it takes to prove to the insurance company that you have a legitimate claim. Contact us as soon as possible for a free initial consultation and learn more about how a hurricane claims lawyer in Victoria, TX can help you.

At Carrigan & Anderson, PLLC we can talk to you about your options and rights.

Carrdigan and Anderson