Corpus Christi U-Haul Accident Lawyer
On This Page
  1. Trust Our U-Haul Accident Lawyers in Corpus Christi to Recover Compensation 
  2. Our Corpus Christi U-Haul Accident Lawyers Handle Your Case’s Tasks  
  3. Frequently Asked Questions About Corpus Christi U-Haul Accident Claims 
  4. Call Carrigan & Anderson, PLLC Today and Get Started 

Corpus Christi U-Haul Accident Lawyer

Corpus Christi U-Haul Accident Lawyer

Truck drivers need licenses, certifications, and endorsements to lawfully operate commercial vehicles. However, everyday motorists don’t need such training to operate U-Hauls. As such, collisions involving these trucks are more common than you think. If you suffered severe injuries in a crash with one of these vehicles, you have options for recovering compensation.  

Carrigan & Anderson, PLLC has decades of legal experience advocating for injured people. A Corpus Christi truck accident lawyer from our team can build, file, and manage your case—all without charging retainers or upfront fees. Call now to begin your free consultation. 

Trust Our U-Haul Accident Lawyers in Corpus Christi to Recover Compensation 

Since first opening our doors, we’ve secured millions in settlements and verdicts. We rely on our network of consultants, years of experience, and attention to detail to resolve U-Haul truck accident claims. Through negotiations or litigation, financial recovery could offer reimbursement for: 

  • Medical expenses: From immediate to future medical care, we ensure every cost is covered. You shouldn’t have to pay a dime out of pocket for medications, surgeries, or hospitalization. 
  • Lost income: Beyond lost wages, we pursue any lost bonuses, benefits, and loss of future earning capacity.
  • Property damage costs: We secure compensation for your vehicle’s repairs or replacement.
  • Out-of-pocket injury-related losses. Childcare costs, temporary transportation arrangements, and in-home services are all compensable. 
  • Non-economic damages: These losses don’t refer to direct financial losses, but rather, your injury-related hardships. They include pain, suffering, mental anguish, and emotional distress. 

These are just some recoverable losses. Your compensable economic and non-economic damages depend on the severity of your condition, treatment needs, and accident’s details. 

You Have a Limited Time to File Your U-Haul Truck Accident Case 

Delaying your case can forfeit your right to compensation. Our Corpus Christi personal injury lawyers at Carrigan & Anderson, PLLC complies with all deadlines. However, we must first learn about your case before we can champion your rights. Call us today and begin your free consultation. We’re available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to put your mind at ease. 

Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code § 16.003 limits how long you have to file a personal injury lawsuit after a U-Haul accident. You have just two years from your accident’s date to sue. 

We have offices in Houston, Corpus Christi, and Victoria; and will travel to any corner of Texas if we are capable of preventing an injustice.

Carrdigan and Anderson

Our Corpus Christi U-Haul Accident Lawyers Handle Your Case’s Tasks  

In the aftermath of a U-Haul truck accident, securing comprehensive legal representation is critical. At Carrigan & Anderson, PLLC, we aim to offer unparalleled legal service, ensuring you’re not alone in this challenging time. Our commitment to justice is underscored by our countless five-star reviews. 

But why choose us to manage your personal injury case? Well, our legal team: 

  • Waives all upfront fees and retainers. Our contingency model means we invest in your victory from day one. That’s because our attorney’s fees are contingent on your claim’s outcome. You pay nothing if your case doesn’t yield compensation. We’re just as invested in the resolution of your case as you are. 
  • Implements a tailor-made legal strategy. Your case is unique, and so is our approach. We craft our legal strategy based on your case’s obligations. 
  • Has a proven track record. We have decades of experience handling and resolving auto accident claims. Once, we secured $4.5 million against a bar that overserved a drunk driver. In another case, we secured $1 million for a client who suffered serious injuries in a truck accident. 

With Carrigan & Anderson, PLLC, you get a lawyer, friend, and ally. We’re by your side each step of the claims process, always putting your needs first. 

Corpus Christi U-Haul Accident Lawyer Near Me 361-884-4437

Frequently Asked Questions About Corpus Christi U-Haul Accident Claims 

Here, we’ve compiled some of the most common questions we get from U-Haul accident claimants in situations like yours. That way, you have the knowledge you need to make informed decisions for yourself and your family. You may ask: 

Can I Hold U-Haul Responsible for an Accident? 

It depends. If a motorist caused your accident, you would seek damages through their liability insurance policy. Yet, if a problem with the U-Haul truck caused the accident, you could sue the company for not keeping its vehicles in working order. Your U-Haul accident attorney in Corpus Christi can evaluate your case’s details and explain who you can hold responsible. 

What Should I Do Immediately After a U-Haul Accident? 

Ensure everyone’s safety, call emergency services, document the scene with photos, exchange information with involved parties, and report the accident to U-Haul. Then, we encourage you to consult our personal injury lawyers regarding your case. 

How do I Know if the U-Haul Driver Was At Fault? 

As noted, our team will investigate your accident to determine its cause. This involves gathering traffic camera footage, black box data, and eyewitness testimony. If we find that a vehicular component malfunctioned and caused the accident, U-Haul could be liable for your losses. If a motorist’s carelessness or recklessness caused the crash, we could file a claim with their insurance provider. 

This doesn’t mean that the path to compensation is easy after determining the liable party. The insurance company may offer a low settlement or otherwise deny your claim. Our lawyers leverage their knowledge of the claims process to seek what you need. 

What Is the Average U-Haul Accident Settlement? 

There isn’t a database that keeps track of the average U-Haul settlement value. How much you can recover is unique to your situation. Yet, you could recover both economic and non-economic damages, which include lost income, medical bills, and pain and suffering. 

How Soon Can a Corpus Christi Personal Injury Lawyer Start My Case? 

There are many time-sensitive factors surrounding your U-Haul accident case. So, when you entrust us with your legal matters, we get started pursuing compensation immediately. You can learn more about our team’s commitment to financial justice during your free case review. 

Representing the injured in all areas of Texas that extends back over 40 years

Carrdigan and Anderson

Call Carrigan & Anderson, PLLC Today and Get Started 

Understanding your options and holding a negligent party accountable begins with a free consultation with our Corpus Christi law firm. Remember: you don’t pay anything upfront or out of pocket to work with us. We only get paid if you do. 

At Carrigan & Anderson, PLLC we can talk to you about your options and rights.

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